
Fertility Incentives

In order to combat the crisis of its declining population, France implemeted monetary incentives and tax breaks for families who have more than one child. As you can see from the figure to the side, this was a successful way of averting a major catastrophe and fixing the problem. Ukraine would also greatly benefit from such an initiative and there is no doubt that we would see a rise in fertility amoong the those that are in need of the economic incentive (which is a large part of the population). 

 Infrastructure for Employment Opportunities

Investing tax dollars into government building and service centres (hospitals, schools, community centres) can ensure that there are more employment opportunities for the younger population. More of the population will be able to support itself independently and will not have to look to outside sources of income for support. Thus, there will be less emigration out of the country, and a more stable Ukrainian population.
Stimulation of the Health Care System

By placing more taxmoney into the national health care system, Ukraine can ensure that it is able to cure the increasing levels of communicable diseases in the nation. Preventative education, especially for HIV/AIDS, and universal access to profilactic medications are essential in order to combat the declining population crisis. If the health care system is not successfully recuperated, an even sharp dip in the Ukrainian population can be forseen in the next ten to fifteen years.